Brad Cunningham was the founder of Lucerae Consulting in 2012 - a company focused on information management for infectious diseases and diagnostic connectivity. Brad studied simultaneous undergraduate degrees at university completing a BSc. Information Technology and a BEng. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. His postgraduate MSc. Engineering studies were conducted within BioMedical research group at the University of Witwatersrand; investigating a microfluidic, isothermal amplification system for the detection of HIV targeted at limited-resource settings. He continued to be involved with the University moving into the Molecular Medicine and Hematology Department as a biomedical engineer in the Research Diagnostics Unit before becoming an independent consultant. Brad has spent the bulk of his career consulting to various groups involved in connectivity, diagnostic instrument design, hardware and software development, External Quality Assessment, and the implementation of connected diagnostic systems in Africa. Brad currently resides in Johannesburg, South Africa.