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Aspect Launches New Capabilities For Connected Labs and Announces Predictive Maintenance AI

A Fully Device-Agnostic, Diagnostics-based Laboratory Information System

NORTHAMPTON, MA and JOHANNESBURG, South Africa, June 1, 2022 – SystemOne announced and launched a wide range of new capabilities in its SaaS-based Distributed Lab Information System, Aspect. The new capabilities ensure that labs, clinics and health organizations can use operational and clinical information from connected point-of-care (POC) diagnostic devices to better take care of their patients and more skillfully and efficiently manage their growing fleets of medical diagnostic devices. The company has also announced it is in the testing phase of a Predictive Maintenance AI functionality designed to forecast POC diagnostics maintenance issues based on SystemOne’s massive storehouse of device performance data.

“Healthcare is increasingly based on the point-of-care diagnosis,” said Chris Macek, CEO, SystemOne. “Clinics and labs, whether centralized or distributed in multiple locations, need a simple integrated way to manage clinical and device information and ensure seamless information flow.”

Independent, multi-location clinics and labs are buying and leasing an increasing number of POC diagnostics, but often are unable to leverage clinical, performance, and utilization data that those devices provide. On the clinical side, diagnostic data is often slow to move, hampering its most important uses: to initiate treatment, understand the need for follow-up, and document outcomes. On the operational side, it has become difficult to manage devices and ensure they function as they should, are fully utilized, and are appropriately supplied with reagents and disposable necessities.

A map view of a fleet of devices in Aspect, each one clickable to understand more about its operations

“Independent clinics and labs, as well as countries and NGOs, invest enormous resources into next-generation diagnostic devices, but need help to make the best use of those diagnostic networks,” said Brad Cunningham, COO, SystemOne. “The result can be a huge amount of wasted time and money. Aspect empowers growing and multi-location labs and clinics to use their diagnostic devices to their highest potential, both clinically and operationally, while ensuring they get the most value from those devices.”

A sample dashboard showing results and positivity rates – each item is clickable for further detail into individual tests

New Aspect capabilities, launched or about to be launched, include:

  • Network Health, with visualizations into how devices are doing and compare locations

  • Adaptability to any device type (current supported devices include POC and central lab diagnostics from Beckton Dickinson, Abbott, Molbio, Hain and others)

  • Multi-modal views, enabling users to “see” their diagnostic network by device, disease or assay type

  • Clinical results throughput analysis, showing how many and how quickly results are reported

  • Inventory analysis and predictions

  • Upgrades to Aspect’s sophisticated notification builder, enabling configuration of alerts about any device or assay specifically targeting certain people or job functions.

  • These can be related to offline devices, high error rates, stockouts, invalid results and more.

  • Error conditions analysis, customizable for different devices or customer needs

  • Utilizations rates to help clinics with cost analysis and planning purchases or location needs

  • Programmable problem-reporting thresholds

  • Map-level alerts and insights

  • Multiple language support

  • Manual result entry, for tests or clinics where automation isn’t possible, but digitization is critical.

In addition to all its standard features, Aspect customers can take advantage of customizations that have been requested around the world and are available to all users.

Users can start with an overall picture of the diagnostic network and drill down into problem areas or devices

About SystemOne:

Founded in Massachusetts in 2012, SystemOne focuses on producing solutions for disease surveillance and response. SystemOne has offices in Northampton, MA and Johannesburg, South Africa. The company’s new disease intelligence software, Aspect®, addresses numerous infectious diseases including Zika, Ebola, HIV, Malaria, Hepatitis C, TB, COVID-19, and more on a host of medical diagnostic devices.


Press Inquiries: Nicolas Boillot at

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