SystemOne was founded in 2012 by a team with wide-ranging backgrounds and a common focus: to leverage internet-enabled devices to create rapid and far-reaching change. Our team recognized the proliferation of signals that, if skillfully harnessed, could change human behavior and dramatically improve conditions in numerous industries and geographies.
Having identified disease in the developing world as a critical area where improvements could have global health and economic impact, we design solutions around a new generation of medical devices, producing data (or, in our parlance, signals) that can be translated into actionable and measurable solutions
Note: SystemOne follows the ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. You can learn more about ACM and its groundbreaking work in ethics here.
Do good and create
lasting value
Make the
journey matter
Be worthy
of respect
Be pragmatic and
keep it simple
Improved healthcare in many developing countries through national-scale rollouts of connectivity for medical diagnostic devices.
Helped medical device makers "turn the lights on" to their fleets of devices, understanding functionality, usage, performance, consumption and more.
Helped countries monitor and respond to disease outbreaks through real-time alerts from their medical diagnostic devices.
Helped manage fleets of devices, allowing in-country administrators to understand warranties, errors (human and machine), laboratory conditions and more.
Helped save millions of dollars managing supply chain and ensuring the deployment of critical resources before they expired.
Helped complete the diagnostic loop from sample registration to treatment confirmation with the use of our Aspect Mobile on phones.